REGISTER HERE You are invited to Adult GAME NIGHT with pizza! Let's get together for games, food, music and fun! Monday, July 29th 5:30-7:00PM Free Event...
Children and their grown-ups will enjoy stories, songs and movement designed to encourage literacy skills and connections. It's okay if your little likes to wiggle...
All the sensory sensations for a messy and fulfilling time. Bring your kiddos to explore and enjoy! Jump, slide, roll, water, bubbles, foam, squish, soft,...
REGISTER HERE. Ages 5-12. Space is limited! The Ability Center's DREAM Program is excited to partner with the Toledo Ballet to provide an inclusive storytime...
REGISTER HERE 2024 Voters' Forum on Disability Issues Hosted by: The Ability Center, The Arc of Ohio, and The Toledo Lucas County Commission on Disabilities....
REGISTRATION IS NOW FULL. Teens and Young Adults 13-24. Limited to 10 participants! We will be cooking some kids favorites (mac and cheese, chicken tenders,...
Move, sing, clap, dance and listen to music together with your child! Music is a whole-body activity for children and their caregivers. This activity is...
*This session is currently full* Learn the basics of golf from a certified First Tee instructor! You'll get to practice at the driving range, putting...
REGISTER HERE Ages 13-18. Free event! Learn basic golf fundamentals from a certified First Tee instructor. You will experience playing golf at the driving range,...
Move, sing, clap, dance and listen to music together with your child! Music is a whole-body activity for children and their caregivers. This activity is...
REGISTER HERE FREE EVENT! Join us at this fabulous event for yoga poses with modifications to suit individual needs and experience deep relaxation! Explore traditional yoga poses either in...